Impartial Analysis of Top 20 eCommerce Platforms [Infographic]

Impartial Analysis of Top 20 eCommerce Platforms [Infographic]

From day to day, the business worldwide becomes more online and mobile oriented. The main reason for this movement is technology growth and increasing usage of internet and portable devices. The last, also, become more powerful and feature rich. So, entrepreneurs have to keep in mind and analyse lots of market and tech aspects. But today, let’s try to answer one major question. What eCommerce platform will be the best for online store owners in…

Endless Summer Sale Provide 15% Off All Magento Extensions

Endless Summer Sale Provide 15% Off All Magento Extensions

The summer is getting to the end but Orange35 Team will not let it go without the presents. Everybody will miss the sun on the seaside and happy days during the vacation. However, there is a simple way to make the summer a bit longer. Orange35 provides you with an Endless Summer Sale and offers 15% Off All Products from the store. Take a chance to buy high-end Magento Extensions at the reduced price and…

6 Rules of Product Image That Sells [Infographic]

6 Rules of Product Image That Sells [Infographic]

Every online store owner knows that online sales have their specific rules. They are different from the traditional ones but still appears to be pretty similar. For example, the product view is the first thing that catches visitor’s attention in both spheres. So, entrepreneurs have to pay a lot of efforts for the look of their products. But here is the difference, online sales have only the Product Page and Product Image that should be…

50 Years of Constant eCommerce Development [Infographic]

50 Years of Constant eCommerce Development [Infographic]

Today, the idea of online shopping as a business has become a separated model for entrepreneurs. Moreover, most of the customers have used to search and buy products online. It is more convenient and the proposition is much wider. As a result, retail is moving online, and some brands start their business from an online shop instead of traditional one. But, 50 years ago the situation was completely different. Why eCommerce Development Has Started? In…

How To Take Off a Perfect Travel Website [Showcase]

How To Take Off a Perfect Travel Website [Showcase]

Do you know that at the moment, thousands of people around the world are traveling? Somebody is driving a car, sitting near the window in a bright white plane or taking their road on foot. But before the trip, every traveler should prepare the tour wisely. They should care about the transfer and a place to stay in a new city, check for the best ticket options and notable discounts. So, stand-alone adventurers have to…

Now Orange35 Site Looks Fresh and Revamped

Now Orange35 Site Looks Fresh and Revamped

Hello to all Orange35 fans and millions of site owners around the world. Get a portion of awesome news regarding our company’s website. On the 8th of July, the Company has got a new, fresh and mobile friendly look. Now, all the info about provided services, products, and experienced team is in one place. We tried to keep the main colour scheme but couldn’t stop from making some changes to the company attributes. If you…

A Straight Road to An Online School Development [Showcase]

A Straight Road to An Online School Development [Showcase]

Online schools have become quite popular during the last few years. This trend is natural because people now are too busy to visit traditional classes. They don’t want to drive to school by car or use public transport. They are much more likely to sit in a comfortable sofa and watch a few videos about the needed topic. In addition, if you are an experienced teacher, there is an opportunity to get the class that…

Create an Educational Website in 3 Simple Steps [Showcase]

Create an Educational Website in 3 Simple Steps [Showcase]

Education is the engine that pushes humanity forward. No matter how people get their knowledge, in school, university or during the meeting with friends. It is the central pillar of future success in every sphere. But in today’s world people are very busy and usually have no time to study. That is why online schools and educational websites had become so popular. But what entrepreneurs should consider before starting that type of business? Keep reading…

Welcome our new SuperZoom extension for Magento

Welcome our new SuperZoom extension for Magento

Orange35 Team is happy to introduce a brand-new SuperZoom Extension for Magento Platform. It is a plug-and-play solution that will add a new useful feature to your online store. From the marketing side, it is simply a must for every Magento store, because it is a perfect way to boost conversion rate of the product page. SuperZoom has a beautiful set of advantages that will help to get better results from your business. It is…

The warmest greetings to all Orange35 blog readers!

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Best greetings! New Year is nearing slowly step by step and we’re sure that all of us are waiting for this magic time to dive into the festive atmosphere! The last days of year is always the time of resolutions and summing up of everything that was done. The year of prolific work was it – through the highs and lows we were doing our best to stand the test of tough marketing competitions.